Can We Supply Provide The Alcohol For Your Event?


That is a great question!

At C&MO, we have partnered with ABC to make it easy for you to order alcohol for your event. We will work with you to determine how much and what type of alcohol you need. Once we have created the order, we will submit it to ABC. An ABC Concierge Specialist will then contact you directly to arrange payment. After payment has been made, ABC will inform us of your order and we will coordinate the pick-up and delivery of the alcohol to your event. If you have any unopened and un-chilled alcohol left over after your event, we will return it to ABC for you and they will refund you for any alcohol returned. The best part is that this service comes at no additional cost to you; you pay the same price for your alcohol as you would in-store. Plus, there may even be deals available to save you money! Planning your event just got a whole lot easier with C&MO's alcohol ordering service.